
The project was moved to the archive. Information is not monitored or updated. Most likely the project is not work any more.

Scam proofs

04.10.2020  MMGP
05.10.2020  InvestorsStartPage

Scam Score




Last data update 07.10.2020 20:39:58
 1120  292
Start date 24.09.2020
Project worked 13 days
Date added 24.09.2020
Monitoring 1630 days


Category Fast

Similar site domain

Our team is engaged in business in seven economic sectors, from marketing to finance. Each of these areas brings an equal share of the profit. We are constantly growing and developing. And the company is regularly scaled up. In short, our marketing is pretty simple. Specifically here we work 50% of this is the redirection of funds from client to client. The other 50% is the company's profit, in short-term projects, short positions in the market, and other areas that can bring quick profits in a short time. Now our company goes online, and is ready to accept certain amounts from those people who are aware of all the risks associated with investing, on a regular basis. To do this, we have introduced marketing, which in practice always brings significant profits to clients. It is fast and easy to use with moderate profitability. Everyone can try to buy our product, which is a certain tariff plan, and it, in turn, gives an opportunity and a chance to multiply the amount you paid for a particular service package. If you are looking for simple and effective way to increase your capital, use our affiliate program. Making money on an affiliate program from is easy! Invite other people to participate in our investment project and get a nice bonus to your income.

Main info

Project site
Support email
Project script Unknown(custom)

WhoIs info (domain)

Site domain 
Registration date 14.07.2020
Expiration date 14.07.2021
Admin WhoisGuard Protected
Country PA
City Panama
Phone +507.8365503

Certificate info

Certificate CN=Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3, O="Cloudflare, Inc.", C=US
Subject, O="Cloudflare, Inc.", L=San Francisco, ST=CA, C=US
Creation date 08.09.2020
Expiration date 08.09.2021

Hosting info

Server IP Canada
Server cloudflare
Provider Cloudflare, Inc.
Region Quebec
City Montreal

Withdraw types


Ratings and monitors

Alexa rank 800655
Alexa rank delta -271484
Statuses on monitors    11 - waiting  3 - problems 
Deposits sum from monitors $4,527.00
Deposits sum delta +$318.00
Calculated project balance 3,977.70$
Balance delta 204.81$


The monitors have a Problems status
No monitors with PAYING status
There is negative information about the project