
The project was moved to the archive. Information is not monitored or updated. Most likely the project is not work any more.

Scam proofs

03.12.2022  InvestorsStartPage
05.12.2022  MMGP

Scam Score




Last data update 05.12.2022 17:56:20
 1532  103
Start date 18.10.2022
Project worked 47 days
Date added 18.10.2022
Monitoring 690 days


Category Middle

Similar site domain

Our funds focus on tokens that incentivize the core actions of a protocol and/or excel in developing novel mechanisms for smart contracts. In addition, we invest in early token sales that interact with an actual business or product in the blockchain ecosystem. Our cryptocurrencies asset class encompasses cryptoassets trading and HODLing, as well as protocols and smart contracts, that allow investors to benefit both from the increasing value of cryptoassets and the profits from successful trades. Our portfolios are careful selections of cryptoassets and Hedge Funds, and are tailored to match the investor's financial goal, whether it's long-term, mid-term, or short-term. Build a portfolio today and enjoy the best of both asset classes.

Main info

Project site
Support email
Project script Unknown(custom)

WhoIs info (domain)

Registration date 13.06.2022
Expiration date 13.06.2023
Registrar Hostinger, UAB
Admin Domain Admin
Country US
City Burlington
Phone +1.8022274003

Certificate info

Certificate CN=Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3, O="Cloudflare, Inc.", C=US
Subject, O="Cloudflare, Inc.", L=San Francisco, ST=California, C=US
Creation date 14.06.2022
Expiration date 14.06.2023

Hosting info

Server IP Netherlands
Server cloudflare
Provider CloudFlare, Inc.
Region North Holland
City Amsterdam

Referral bonus

Referral program: 5% - 1% - 1%

Withdraw types


Ratings and monitors

Alexa rank 2563320
Alexa rank delta -1214
Statuses on monitors    4 - waiting  2 - problems  1 - scam
Deposits sum from monitors $500.00
Deposits sum delta +$0.00
Calculated project balance 361.79$
Balance delta -4.39$


There is negative information about the project
No monitors with PAYING status
The monitors have a Problems status
The monitors have a negative status