
The project was moved to the archive. Information is not monitored or updated. Most likely the project is not work any more.

Scam proofs

31.07.2023  MMGP
31.07.2023  InvestorsStartPage

Scam Score




Last data update 31.07.2023 18:54:43
 743  84
Start date 30.06.2023
Project worked 31 days
Date added 12.07.2023
Monitoring 609 days


Category Fast

The next day from 16.00 Moscow time till 21.00 Moscow time we will credit your profit. Profits are credited to your balance and are available for withdrawal at any time. Our robots are strictly focused on risk management, which minimizes risks and allows you to make 70% more trades with positive dynamics. In addition to robots, we deal with the Defi market and diversify part of the funds in this segment The deposit is non-refundable, we do not have a working time of the deposit. The deposit is active up to 1000% of profit which is credited to your balance daily - this is a limit on the profitability of each open deposit, after that the active deposit is deactivated

Main info

Project site
Support email
Project script Unknown(custom)

WhoIs info (domain)

Site domain FOMOBOT.TECH
Registration date 27.03.2023
Expiration date 27.03.2024
Registrar Registrar of domain names REG.RU LLC
Admin Protection of Private Person
Country RU
City Moscow
Phone +7.4955801111

Certificate info

Certificate CN=R3, O=Let's Encrypt, C=US
Creation date 08.06.2023
Expiration date 06.09.2023

Hosting info

Server IP United States
Provider Tilda Publishing Ltd
Region Virginia
City Ashburn

Payment systems

Payment systems available 

Referral bonus

Referral program: 5% - 6% - 2% - 1% - 1% - 1% - 2%

Withdraw types


Ratings and monitors

Alexa rank 0
Alexa rank delta 0
Statuses on monitors        1 - scam
Deposits sum from monitors $0.00
Deposits sum delta +$0.00
Calculated project balance 0.00$
Balance delta 0.00$


There is negative information about the project
The domain registrar is may be abused
The certificate will expire soon
No monitors with PAYING status
The monitors have a negative status