
The project was moved to the archive. Information is not monitored or updated. Most likely the project is not work any more.

Scam Score




Last data update 31.07.2024 03:16:48
 135  32
Start date 28.07.2024
Project worked 2 days
Date added 28.07.2024
Monitoring 82 days


Category Hourly

Similar site domain

Our mission is to democratize the investment process and provide every investor with the opportunity to achieve high returns, irrespective of experience and capital size. We aim to enhance and optimize investment strategies using state-of-the-art AI technologies and algorithms. With , you will unlock a new tier of possibilities in the world of investments. Join us today and let us assist you in achieving your financial goals through the power of artificial intelligence. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and employing cutting-edge trading algorithms, we strive to generate high returns for our clients. Our advanced technology enables us to identify lucrative investment opportunities and execute trades with precision. At , the security of your investments and personal data is our utmost priority. We employ state-of-the-art security measures and comply with all relevant regulations to ensure that your information and assets are protected. We understand the importance of a user-friendly experience. Our website has been meticulously designed to be intuitive, adaptive, and easy to navigate, ensuring that users across devices, including mobile, can manage their investments effortlessly. Even if you have little to no experience in online trading, the interface is tailored to provide a seamless experience. Our devoted team of highly skilled specialists is at your service around the clock, every day, to provide you with assistance on any queries or concerns you may have. Whether you require step-by-step guidance on navigating our platform, need expert insight on your investments, or have questions regarding the features we offer, we are steadfast in our commitment to support you anytime, anywhere.

Main info

Project site
Support email
Project script GOLD CODERS

WhoIs info (domain)

Site domain MATCH-HOUR.CFD
Registration date 27.07.2024
Expiration date 27.07.2025
Registrar Hostinger Operations, UAB
Admin Domain Admin
Country US
City Burlington
Phone +1.8022274003

Certificate info

Certificate CN=WE1, O=Google Trust Services, C=US
Creation date 28.07.2024
Expiration date 26.10.2024

Hosting info

Server IP Canada
Server cloudflare
Provider CloudFlare, Inc.
Region Ontario
City Toronto

Payment systems

Payment systems available 

Referral bonus


Withdraw types


Ratings and monitors

Alexa rank 0
Alexa rank delta 0
Statuses on monitors  3 - paying  1 - waiting   
Deposits sum from monitors $0.00
Deposits sum delta +$0.00
Calculated project balance 0.00$
Balance delta 0.00$


The design of another project is used
The project site does not work for a long time
An unlicensed script is used
The certificate will expire soon