
The project was moved to the archive. Information is not monitored or updated. Most likely the project is not work any more.

Scam Score




Last data update 13.11.2022 06:09:33
 263  177
Start date 13.11.2022
Project works 852 days
Date added 13.11.2022
Monitoring 852 days

No data

Category No data

Similar site domain

Neswap allows traders to buy and sell cryptocurrencies simultaneously with multiple currency trading systems in seconds.We put all widely used currency trading on one website, allowing traders to quickly open and close orders at the most favorable prices. Rely on our AI solutions and allow them to trade and generate profits for you Rely on our AI solutions and allow them to trade and generate profits for you Neswap offers a great variety of exchanges with the most profitable currency rates. You can check our partner trading platforms below. We will regularly update the list of exchanges and add new and more beneficial options.

Main info

Project site
Project script Unknown(custom)

Certificate info

Certificate CN=E1, O=Let's Encrypt, C=US
Subject CN=*
Creation date 10.11.2022
Expiration date 08.02.2023

Hosting info

Server IP Canada
Server cloudflare
Provider Cloudflare, Inc.
Region Ontario
City Toronto

Withdraw types


Ratings and monitors

Alexa rank 2048168
Alexa rank delta 0
Statuses on monitors       
Deposits sum from monitors $0.00
Deposits sum delta +$0.00
Calculated project balance 0.00$
Balance delta 0.00$


No monitors with PAYING status