
The project was moved to the archive. Information is not monitored or updated. Most likely the project is not work any more.

Scam Score




Last data update 21.06.2019 12:01:13
 911  566
Start date 24.01.2019
Project works 2206 days
Date added 24.01.2019
Monitoring 2206 days

No data

Category No data

The NEXXO IBAN bank card solution is a prepaid bank card, that is offered to small business owners and operators and also their employees. The bank card solution is developed in partnership with a local bank, with permission from the local central bank, and complies with local central bank laws, rules and regulations pertaining to KYC (Know Your Customer), AML (Anti-Money Laundering) as well as international OFAC (US Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control) black-list. Each card is also linked to a real and unique International Bank Account Number (IBAN); thus, it can be funded from another bank account. This bank card solution enables small business owners and operators to get a bank account, to deposit and withdraw money from any bank ATM, or pay for purchases at any merchant POS (Point Of Sale) locally or internationally. The solution is compatible with all local and international banking systems. This is a very powerful banking solution that addresses a highly under-serviced and under-banked market. Our bank-card platform is blockchain powered by IBM Hyperledger and all transactions are secure, as well as compliant with the highest security standards such as PCI DSS 3.22 (Payment Card Industry Data Security Services 3.22). The NEXXO Mobile Wallet solution can work as either an independent mobile wallet product or can be linked to the NEXXO IBAN bank card. The NEXXO Mobile-Wallet solution enables KYC’d users to get an instantaneous One-Time-Use generated card number to make online-e-commerce purchases or pay at any merchant POS supporting contactless or QR payments. The solution is also linked to all international remittance networks, so that users can send money to friends, family members or business suppliers anywhere in the world.

Main info

Project site
Support email;
Project script Unknown(custom)

WhoIs info (domain)

Site domain
Registration date 17.12.2017
Expiration date 17.12.2021
Registrar, LLC
Admin Registration Private
Country US
City Scottsdale
Phone +1.4806242599

Certificate info

Certificate CN=Amazon, OU=Server CA 1B, O=Amazon, C=US
Creation date 26.06.2018
Expiration date 26.07.2019

Hosting info

Server IP Ireland
Provider, Inc.
Region Leinster
City Dublin

Withdraw types


Ratings and monitors

Alexa rank 2011211
Alexa rank delta 0
Statuses on monitors       
Deposits sum from monitors $0.00
Deposits sum delta +$0.00
Calculated project balance 0.00$
Balance delta 0.00$


Ping increased
No monitors with PAYING status