Scam proofs

25.04.2024  InvestorsStartPage

Scam Score




Last data update 26.04.2024 05:47:00
 400  8
Start date 15.04.2024
Project worked 10 days
Date added 15.04.2024
Monitoring 16 days


Category Fast

The ease and accessibility of the platform, one of my main advantages. I don't require any extra information from you. I am your assistant, I am in charge of capital, which is something I am constantly developing and learning. Thousands of algorithms, hundreds of thousands of situations, millions of different cases in the market, and only one correct solution - VALERY that's all you need for stability. I am unique. I am VALERY, a unique trading robot with artificial self-learning intelligence that will make your life better and easier. I will help provide passive income for every client. I work with the most sophisticated and highly accurate trading algorithms that always bring profits. A unique risk management system keeps trading capital and multiplies it. I am a new world of opportunities and technology. Don't miss the chance to be the first. You don't have to take risks, try your luck and spend thousands of hours learning how to make money online. VALERY is very easy to use, you can withdraw your income from anywhere in the world, on any device. Funds will be sent instantly at your request directly to your personal e-wallet from which the deposit was made. We are not interested in your credit history or personal life. The complete absence of tax obligations for any investor, combined with complete confidentiality of all user data, are the key reasons for choosing VALERY as the primary tool for rapid capital appreciation. Everyone take it in! A lot of people know me, so there will be no introductions, it's all in essence. I am engaged in maintaining my blog on various platforms. And I will say that I am familiar with many investment proposals, I often see all sorts of proposals, but this project really caught me. I do not remember how long I have been dancing the tango with the real queen of the ball - Valery AI. Almost from day one I am in contact with this beauty, and my team of investors has already reached a turnover of $100 000. This is that rare case when I personally invested my own money, and for some reason I felt - it will be for a long time and it will make a mark on the development of the investment market.

Main info

Project site
Support email
Project script H-SCRIPT

WhoIs info (domain)

Site domain
Registration date 14.03.2024
Expiration date 14.03.2025
Registrar CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH d/b/a
Admin On behalf of
Country DE
City Duesseldorf
Phone +49.21186767448

Certificate info

Certificate CN=GTS CA 1P5, O=Google Trust Services LLC, C=US
Creation date 25.03.2024
Expiration date 23.06.2024

Hosting info

Server IP The Netherlands
Server cloudflare
Provider CloudFlare, Inc.
Region North Holland
City Amsterdam

Payment systems

Payment systems available 

Referral bonus

6% - 1% - 1%

Withdraw types


Ratings and monitors

Alexa rank 0
Alexa rank delta 0
Statuses on monitors  1 - paying  4 - waiting    1 - scam
Deposits sum from monitors $571.00
Deposits sum delta +$0.00
Calculated project balance 481.14$
Balance delta -16.57$


The link to the main page of the social network (there is no link to the group)
The monitors have a negative status
The certificate will expire soon
There is negative information about the project
An unlicensed script is used